Chequamegon Counseling will be moving locations as of March 1st, 2024. New address is 21 W Omaha St Washburn, WI in the Wellness on the Water Building.

Chequamegon Counseling Office is located at 320 Superior Avenue in Washburn, WI. This location has an adult/teen therapy room as well as a fully equipped play therapy room.
Telehealth is offered through a secure, HIPAA compliant platform.

Brittany Kuka, LPC
I graduated from the University of Alaska Anchorage with a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and a Graduate Certificate in Children's Mental Health. I completed an internship at the Alaska Child Trauma Center, working with both a therapeutic preschool and the Alaska Native Head Start. I spent four years working at Birchwood Behavioral Health in Anchorage, Alaska. For three of these years I worked with teenage girls living in residential treatment, providing trauma informed care to them and their families. During my last year at Birchwood, I helped to start and operate an outpatient therapy program for children and adults. In 2017, I became a Licensed Professional Counselor. I opened Chequamegon Counseling in 2019 and have providing therapy services to Washburn since that time. I am trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and utilize this frequently in my therapy. I have specialized training in EMDR, specifically with children and Military/Veterans. Other techniques I use frequently that I have additional training in are Motivational Interviewing and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT).
I use many different therapy techniques, and enjoy working with each client to find what works best for them. I believe that clients should walk out of my office with a sense of empowerment and validation, not fear. Working together and finding each client's strengths, as well as providing real life tools, are important aspects of therapy. I believe that therapy should be accessible to all people, and I aim to provide high quality services to all populations. I hope to make therapy and mental health treatment a regular part of the "maintenance" that we perform on our bodies in order to stay feeling and functioning well!
On a personal note, I enjoy reading, travelling, and spending time with my family. I have a love for all animals, especially dogs. I strive to live a balanced life, though as a working mom I find that as big of a challenge as most others do!